"Following Jesus ... Today" is an online self-paced study from the life and ministry of Jesus. It is divided into six parts and each part has 1) a summary, 2) a harmonized layout of the story, and 3) a reinforcing simple quiz.
Read the summary
This will give you a big picture view. Each of the six summaries have six key words or phrases, followed by a short description. Keep these main points in mind as your read further.
Read the story from God's Word
We have put together a chronological harmony from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and divided it into six separate readings. It is consolidated to minimize repetition and slightly abridged to serve the purpose of an introductory study.
Take the quiz
We invite you to take a short 10 question multiple choice quiz. This is offered as another learning tool, so you can take the quiz as many times as you want to reach the level of understanding that you desire.
Click on the headings below to navigate your way through the greatest story every told - His Story!
His Birth ... and the early years
His Baptism ... and the start of the ministry
His Identity ... and the heart of the mission
His Transfiguration ... and the beginning of the end
His Death ... and the events that led up to it
His Resurrection ... and many convincing proofs
When you complete all six sections, look for next step suggestions. You can find the link in the feedback section of last quiz.
May your pursuit of Jesus be fulfilling for you and glorifying for God!